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PRESS RELEASE | HVACR FINEST supports kids sewing classes and competition at DeSoto Library with Student ICONS – DeSoto, TX

PRESS RELEASE | HVACR FINEST supports kids sewing classes and competition at DeSoto Library with Student ICONS – DeSoto, TX

DeSoto, TX- Saturday November 5th 2022

Order Tramadol Uk After a 3-week Teen Fashion Camp with Sewing Classes led by Uniquka Christian, Founder at Student ICONS, the teen campers showcased their self-made fashions in a “Grease” themed Competition at the DeSoto Library in DeSoto, Tx.

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The teen fashion campers learned the skills of design sketching, operating a sewing machine, and constructing/modeling a garment; then they went head-to-head in a final competition competing in front of a public audience filled with their community, friends, and family for the chance to win a new sewing machine, mannequin, fabric, and mini sewing kit.

source site The DeSoto Library audience was packed with supporters who cheered and applauded the efforts of these young designers who modeled and danced in a production mixed with runway and “Grease” songs like there was no care in the world.

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Mission Accomplished

enter Student ICONS, which stands for Student Innovators and Creators of new Style, has a purpose to highlight future fashion designers and give them the opportunity to showcase their creations in various settings meant to motivate and encourage them to continue pursuing their fashion goals.


Cheap Tramadol Online Overnight follow link We asked Uniquka how the teen participants’ fashion designs came out in her professional opinion…here’s what she had to say:


see “Everyone’s designs came out fabulously. I think the most important thing for me was that each participant understood the project and completed it successfully. They did this by learning sewing fundamentals as well as trusting my team and me to guide them to the end of the journey. They all succeeded indeed and we were beyond proud of all of them!”

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source site “We would like to thank Marquez Runnels for asking us to participate in this year’s fashion event. She and the entire library staff totally outdid themselves and provided a wonderful experience for not only the teens but their parents and guests from the community. 

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Order Tramadol Online Uk We appreciate having the opportunity to bring our services and expertise to the fashion portion of the event by teaching the participants about what all goes into being their own fashion designers while creating their own wearable work of art,” Uniquka shared.

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https://purestpotential.com/si66r3r https://www.elevators.com/nb111oqd We asked Uniquka what she and her team discovered about the mission for Student ICONS since this camp experience at DeSoto Library and she replied: 

click here “My team and I noticed that with kids we’ve worked with at the DeSoto Library as well as other facilities we have conducted our camps, it isn’t just about sewing. Yes, that is the overall mission, to teach kids how to sew, but we have realized it is so much more than that. It is about helping kids to find their confidence, and their niche, encouraging them to discover new things that they never thought they could do. 

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DeSoto Library Entrance: Credit DeSoto Library Facebook

Support Student ICONS

go to site Student ICONS will host an HBCU Youth Sewing Camp. Just in time for black history month, it will begin on February 4th. The fashion show for that event will be on February 25th.

It will be a college-themed fashion event.

Video Highlight

Collaboration and Support Matters

https://www.brigantesenglishwalks.com/npp9q1qoiac We live to share collaborations like the one between Student ICONS and HVACR FINEST. When a sponsor chooses to support a cause and mission that helps shape our younger generation and the world for the better, we make it our duty to showcase it!

https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/2mp9xbbp This collaboration with Student ICONS came about during the same time HVACR FINEST was preparing to host its first community event where they gave away FREE Heating/Air Conditioner systems to two lucky residents in DeSoto, TX; Student ICONS stepped up to support the cause and the magic began happening.

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Student ICONS Founder Uniquka Christian thanks Junior Dikousman, Owner at HVACR FINEST

http://www.mscnantes.org/c82ovatvq6 here We interviewed HVACR FINEST and asked them how it feels to know they are helping Student ICONS carry out their mission and purpose, they replied saying:

https://www.mreavoice.org/wlms6h4nc “It’s always amazing to me when we meet a new group of teens or kids who have never touched a sewing machine a day in their lives to then see their hidden talents come to life. They shine! They start to exude confidence in their ability after only a few days of class. It’s really beautiful to see them blossom in ways that they probably never would have imagined through their own creativity.”

https://onlineconferenceformusictherapy.com/2025/02/22/5abscwdv9t “It is a great honor to know we can be a part of an individual’s passion and the trajectory for their bright future. In a world where things are easily manufactured and purchased at your convenience, it is great to see our youth still have an interest in the art form of sewing! It’s exciting to see how far they go!”

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Junior Dikousman, HVACR Owner shares words of encouragement with the Teen Campers

https://geolatinas.org/dyzaa8cx https://dcinematools.com/e1aeoxslp How was the experience attending the fashion show/competition?

go to site “To be a part of the event and see the drive in the individuals is very heartwarming and inspiring. Its one thing to sponsor, but to sponsor and be present, really helped us feel the passion and love they all have in this craft and the TALENT that is spewing out of the group was astonishing! They really put their heart, sweat, and tears into their design and product.” replied HVACR FINEST.

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HVACR FINEST Owners Junior and Linda Dikousman with Sewing Competition Winner Morgan

https://www.mbtn.net/?p=jj459pq2mhj “Our dream is to be able to help individuals carry out their fullest potential and hope it changes their lives for the better! It doesn’t matter what career/passion it is. We hope that our contributions can make a difference. We are so glad to meet individuals in our community who have the same dream and mission. We were once in a small pond, trying to survive, but it is so exciting to now be part of the big pond, thriving with the big fish. Thank you Uniquka for allowing us to be a part of your event and organization.” HVACR FINEST shares.


enter HVACR FINEST is DeSoto’s expert heating and cooling company. They offer furnace and air conditioning services in and around DeSoto, TX. As licensed contractors and specialists in the field of heating and air conditioning, they have the tools, equipment, and experience to keep your equipment running smoothly all year long. If it is an emergency service that you need, even after hours, they are available to assist you! 

The Competition Results

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https://getdarker.com/editorial/articles/ca8vwki86n7 The grand prize winner, Morgan, age 17 won the ultimate designer’s package for her vintage “red heart” poodle skirt.

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Morgan won a new sewing machine, mannequin, fabric, and mini sewing kit sponsored by HVACR FINEST and Market Standard Media. The second (Madison) and third place (Aubrey) winners won a private sewing lesson.
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Student ICONS Team Uniquka Christian, Chelita McDuffie and A'isha Mitchell presenting awards
A lot of kids form friendships and bonds with other kids who share the same interests. We’ve also had the pleasure of working with kids who may struggle with issues such as anxiety, ADHD, and even autism only to discover that sewing and creating is their happy place!” Uniquka shared.
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Partnerships Partnerships Partnerships...

source site Uniquka Christian shared that her experience working with the library has been a partnership that they have had since 2016 when she first began teaching her youth sewing classes there. Since then, Student ICONS, who was recently featured on The Texas Country Reporter, has evolved into a non-profit 501c3 organization.

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“We are thankful to the DeSoto Library and every other organization that we have had the pleasure of working with to bring the life skill of sewing back to a new generation” Uniquka shares.
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get link Tramadol Online Overnight Uk Uniquka’s final thoughts on this fashion camp:

https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/3hu1hd881j “I definitely want to thank my incredible team, Chelita Mcduffie, our Vice President, and A’ishah Mitchell our Executive Sewing Director! When you have the right team, the whole team succeeds. I’ve had the pleasure of working with these great women for a couple of years now and it has honestly been a dream come true. I truly appreciate the time, love and effort they put into making Student ICONS you sewing what it is and what it has the potential to become.

Order Tramadol From China We want to thank HVACR FINEST and Market Standard Media for finding worth in our organization and supporting it with their generous sewing machine and mannequin donation! It was presented to the grand prize winner the night of the fashion show at the DeSoto Public Library. It was amazing! It’s folks like you/ them who help keep our organization running like a well-oiled machine. The support of the community is everything and with gratitude, we truly appreciate you all!”
